Be kind... and start today!

The above quote is really true.... 

I've hurt many people in my life and it hurt me to have hurt them. 

But... I've been hurt by so many people as well.





Even strangers.

Hurting someone can be done in a lot of ways... it can be physical or emotional.

When I was growing up, I was hurt physically but I was especially hurt emotionally. 

Hurtful words...




and swearing....

I've done all of it... because it was also done to me. 

When we are provoked one way or another....

we get angry...

we answer back.. 

we retaliate back... 

we fight back... 

Sometimes... it can even lead to something really unpleasant... 

something really bad.... or worst. 

but something we regret too ... right away.... eventually.... or... maybe...not at all.

But... we say... 

We are only humans...

We have emotions... 

We have our weaknesses.... 

But is it also rightful to say? 

That we can't let anyone or anybody for that matter to belittle us? 

To hurt us? 

That we can not let the hurtful deed done to us to just pass us by? 

We are proud... we have pride... we can't accept that people can hurt us. 

Our emotions dictate us to answer back... hurtfully as well but sometimes in an even more painful way. 

Every individual is unique... 

Every one of us is different... in so many ways. 

We were raised differently...

We grew up in different environments....

We have different backgrounds... 

We think differently... 

We have different beliefs..... different faiths... 

But even with all of these differences... 

We were all created equal... 

We were created with a MIND .... to distinguish right from wrong. 

We were created with a HEART...... to understand and to love. 

To understand... why things happen?

There's always a reason why we say hurtful words and do hurtful deeds... 

And we can come up with a lot of reasons why we did the things we did...

In fact, we can come up with a lot of excuses... we tend to blame others.. our circumstances. 

But maybe.... 

WE CAN CHANGE...our attitude... 


WE CAN LEARN... how to control our emotions....

And maybe... 

WE CAN LIVE...without being proud... 


We are all given a MIND 

A mind we can use, dictate and control.. 

We are all given a HEART...

A heart we can use to feel ... to understand.. and most of all to LOVE...


They say it is easy to forgive but it is hard to forget...

When we can't forget the hurt that was done to us... our forgiveness is useless. 

Do not live in the past.. because no matter what we do.. it can not be undone. 

Move on and get on to the next chapter of our life... and make it better.


You may or may not admit it... 

But Dr. Wayne Dyer's quote above is true... 

At least to me... 

I hurt myself when I hurt people most especially the people I love. 

But after that... I always realize it at once and I ask for forgiveness 

And say my sorry... not just once but a few times. 

Even if the damage has been done, asking for forgiveness is the least we can do to make up for the hurt that we cause others. 

I wanted to say...

"I will not hurt anyone anymore"... but saying that is not being true to myself. 

Instead I will say... "I promise to do my best to not hurt anyone anymore". 

I will even make a journal of it starting tomorrow... :) ... so I will know if I fulfill my promise. 

Let us all be KIND... in the truest sense of the word.

"Be kind whenever possible, it is always possible" said Dalai Lama

If all the people in the world will do one act of kindness to everyone... 

or random acts of kindness to everybody.... 

Surely, this world will be a better place to live in. 

It starts with us... 

you and me.... 

and hopefully..... everyone who will read this post. 

Let's just do it.... 

Starting now or as soon as possible ..... 

Kindness... that I can promise. 

Let us not be proud... 

Because we are no different from anyone... 

Even if we have everything... 

Even if we are the most intelligent...

Even if we have a title attached to our name ... 

and we are the richest man in the world...

Whether we are poor or we are rich....

We all came from just one source....

The one who created us...,.. 

It is up to us to live a meaningful life... 

Just being KIND will already give a meaning to our life. 

HOW do WE CHANGE the WORLD? asked Morgan Freeman 

And his answer.... 



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