Get to know Feel N Heal Massage
Have you ever heard the name Feel N Heal Massage? Have you ever experienced the caring and healing hands of the nurse/massage practitioner behind this company? If you did, that was great.. if you haven't yet, you have to try and get one and experience one of the most therapeutic and relaxing massages you will ever get in your life. That's a guarantee. :) Here's two of the best reviews that I got from my regular clients back in the Netherlands, particularly in Gennep in the province of Limburg. “ Ik kan werkelijk niet bedenken wat er nog zou kunnen aan de massage, echt super” - Elly, Cuijk ("I really cannot imagine what could still be improved at the massage, really great") “ Hoi Arline, ja heel erg goed. Ik vind dat dat je echt goed kunt voelen waar het probleem zit en daar dan ook goed behandeld. Ik heb meerdere massages geprobeerd maar jij bent echt wel de beste” - Bernadette, Cuijk ("Hi Arline, yes very good. I think tha...